Paper Backed Veneer Sheets

Product specifications

  • Length: 8'

  • Width: 4'

  • 10 mil paper back standard

  • Veneer match Pattern: Random Match

  • Custom sizing is available

Veneer appearance: The standard order shall contain a blend of heavy, medium, and light spalting characteristics. Acceptable visual features may contain occasional insect burrows, visual evidence of historic maple sugaring tap holes, mineral streaks, and small bark pockets. No open defects larger than a dime and no open cracks wider than 1/16"

No minimum order amount.

Inquire for pricing.

Plywood Matching Patterns

These images are for educational purposes only. All images depicted have been enlarged to show detail and grain direction in various plywood matching patterns. Images are created digitally using real photographs of veneer but do not reflect an actual piece of plywood. Please contact Vermont Wildwoods for inquiries based on plywood appearance.

Random Match Standard 4x8 (Intensely Spalted)

Random Match Standard 4x8 (Woods Run)

Random Match Cross Grain 8x4 (Intensely Spalted)

Random Match Cross Grain 8x4 (Woods Run)

Book Match Standard 4x8 (Intensely Spalted)

Book Match Cross Grain 8x4 (Intensely Spalted)

Book & Swing Match Standard 4x8 (Intensely Spalted)

Book & Swing Match Cross Grain 8x4 (Intensely Spalted)